torsdag, juni 14, 2007


"Someone" I know wrote some nice things about me at neuroart, a network of multi talended artists that I am a member of and supposedly the only 3d artist among them. =D

torsdag, juni 07, 2007

As the Master Of Advanced Computer Graphics I am

Summer is here at last and I am done in school with my second diploma work. Last time I graduated it was the year 2004 and the IT-industry was hitting the bottom of the market cycle, but now the industry has recovered and it looks like a good time for a computer graphic engineer to start searching for a job in the industi.

I am not much of a blogger, I am more of a doer. While looking for work I for one thing have decided to participate in a new Maxon Price Fight. You can find my WIP-thread here.

söndag, mars 05, 2006

Past and present work in progress

I have posted a gallery with pictues from different computer graphics projects that I am working with here:

onsdag, februari 01, 2006

MAXON's Prize Fight @ RaunchyMinds

MAXON's Prize Fight at RaunchyMinds - The Heroes & Villains Competition
I am the Grand Prize Winner!!!

After a 3 step grueling competition in consept art, 3d modeling and animation !
I take home the complete
Cinema 4D Studio Bundle as a joint winner. (Actually I was a winner in all the 3 parts =D )

A very big thanks goes to MAXON for sponsoring this unique and awesome competition!

download the movie!


I am a winner!

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